Saint Lucia Government Website in Top World Ranking |
United States tops the e-government table followed by Taiwan and Australia.
Those Caribbean nations in the top fifty are St. Kitts, the top regional state
at thirteen (13), the Bahamas at fifteen (15), Saint Lucia at twenty-four (24)
and St. Vincent at forty-six (46).
Principal Information Officer Roger Joseph says the recognition is especially
gratifying since the Saint Lucia Government website was redesigned and
completely overhauled just a few months. “Certainly the GIS is justifiably proud
of this particular achievement,” said Joseph.
put a lot of work into the development of the website and have made a tremendous
effort in keeping the site current and up to date. We believe that the site is
perhaps the best repository of all government information in Saint Lucia and for
us it is a significant achievement and says that the efforts that we have put
into not just the development but the maintenance of the site is paying off. We
are hoping that with some additional initiatives that we are expecting to
introduce within the next few week, that perhaps the next time the survey is
done we would have moved further up the rankings.” The survey rates more than 2000 government websites in 196 nations on a set of 22 criteria that evaluates features such as information availability. Saint Lucia came out on top in terms of privacy features scoring a full 100% in that criterion. The Internet is viewed as an opportunity for governments to provide services and information more efficiently and cost effectively to its citizens. related
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