July 22, 1997 -
In its continued reorganization drive, the Cabinet of Ministers today Monday July 21,
announced the reassignment of Permanent Secretaries.
Mr. Wilbert King will move from the Ministry of Communications, Works, Transport and
Public Utilities to the Ministry of the Public Service.
Mrs. Jacinta St. Helene currently at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Consumer
Affairs, will be assigned to the Ministry of Community Development, Culture, Local
Government and Cooperatives.
Mr. Cosmos Richardson will move from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and
the Environment to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Consumer Affairs.
Mr. Joseph Alexander will shift from the Ministry of the Public Service to the Ministry of
Communications, Works, Transport and Public Utilities.
Mr. Egbert Lionel who presently serves in the Ministry of Community Development, Culture,
Local Government and Cooperatives will move to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry,
Fisheries and the Environment.