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Cabinet approves establishment of national competitive and productivity council

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Contact:  Kerwin Xavier


Monday 19 September 2011 As part of government's policy to generate economic growth as a means of alleviating poverty and bringing improvement to the lives of citizens, Cabinet has approved the establishment of a National Competitive and Productivity Council (NCPC) for the island.   The initiative has received the endorsement of the Saint Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture.    President of the Chamber, Chester Hinkson, spoke recently at a workshop to discuss the initiative.


“We must point out that as it stands, the productivity of labour in Saint Lucia is generally low.  While this initiative is late in coming, I salute the government for taking the bold step in establishing a National Competitiveness and Productivity Council.

“It has been over ten years since the Chamber has pleaded with successive governments for the establishment of a national body to champion the improvements in productivity across all economic sectors on the island.” 


Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Hon. Stephenson King, during his address to the gathering, articulated Cabinet's rationale for the decision to establish a NCPC for the island.


“Here in Saint Lucia, we recognized that higher productivity is critical to becoming more competitive.  Productivity helps generate greater competitiveness which in turn generates positive feedback effects on the productivity of economic agents.  They are mutually supportive in a kind of virtuous circle, and ultimately provide an additional impetus to “per capita income” living standards, growth and a more favourable environment for social progress.”


Prime Minister King said in a quest to promote private sector  development and  national competitiveness, government has requested support from the “Compete Caribbean Programme” to develop and implement a project to formalize public-private sector dialogue through the establishment of the National Competitive and Productivity Council.

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