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The region's people are its greatest asset says prime minister King at OECS meeting

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Contact:  Shannon Lebourne


Friday 27 May 2011 With Saint Lucia boasting the most Nobel Laureates in the world per capita, Chairman of the OECS Authority says he is convinced that there is creative genius  among OECS citizens waiting to be explored.


Prime Minister Honourable Stephenson King also called on OECS governments to invest heavily in developing and promoting the region’s people.


Mr King says the development of the region will only be catalysed when the full and creative potential of the human resources is utilised.


“When we consider what the region has shown internationally,  whether it be at the Nobel Laureate level or in music, sports, medicine, diplomacy, business, and architecture to name a few, we realise that we can achieve great things. However, that will not be achieved to its greatest extent if we allow such human resource potential to flounder and go to waste.

“We must commit ourselves at the level of Heads of Governments of the OECS Authority to develop and promote the skills and capabilities of our people and especially to harness and direct the energies and competencies of our young people in the region.”


Prime Minister King says an investment in developing the region’s human resource will undoubtedly pay the biggest and best dividends.

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