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National telethon hopes to raise $EC 200 000 to meet growing requests for assistance

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Contact:  Shannon Lebourne


Thursday 26 May 2011 Executive Director of the National Community Foundation (NCF) is appealing to citizens to support the 2011 National Telethon which will be held on Sunday May 29.


The annual national telethon is the biggest fundraising activity of the NCF designed to secure funding for vulnerable and needy citizens throughout Saint Lucia.


NCF's Executive Director, Juliana Alfred, says the foundation has set a target of $EC200,000 for this year’s telethon.


“Whatever we raise at the telethon will go into our existing programmes. For instance, we have the scholarship programme which is a significant investment for us. We also have the medical care programme and since hurricane Tomas we have initiated some new activities in terms of assisting schools and individuals to bring their lives back to normal. Whatever money we raise through the telethon on Sunday will go into supplementing our programmes.”


This year the national telethon is moved to a new location at the Gaiety on Rodney Bay and will see several new features being added to the agenda.


The executive director says preparations for a successful hosting of the telethon are advanced.


“Everything is all set for the hosting of the eighth annual telethon, the food arrangements are finalised, the artistes are ready and the kids’ entertainment area is all set.  I think the public will be very satisfied in terms of this year’s telethon and we are encouraging people to come out, have some food, eat some great food, and more importantly contribute to the work of the NCF.”


The national telethon is scheduled to begin at 2PM and will see several entertainers volunteering their time and talent to assist the NCF to meet its mandate.

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