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Bordelais Correctional Facility is self sufficient in vegetable production

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Contact:  Shannon Lebourne


Wednesday 4 May 2011  The Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF) will soon be able to sustain its food consumption budget.


Director of Corrections  Hilary Herman says production levels at the the Bordelais Farm has increased significantly, resulting in increased revenue for the institution.


Herman says the institution remains committed to producing quality products for internal consumption and for the domestic market.


“This year we have done very good with revenue production and we expect to better that.  We will put a lot more inmates out on the farm to increase production of course, we have to be very sensitive with what we produce so that we don’t reduce the quality of the production, but as far as contributing to the kitchen, we are doing that very well.”


The prison farm has had  tremendous success in the area of vegetable production, as evident in the fact that all vegetables consumed at the prison are grown by the inmates.


The Director of Corrections explains that the institution is aiming to increase its production levels even more now that it is beginning to recover from the impact of hurricane Tomas.


“We are producing lots of  vegetables and we are now contributing all vegetables to the kitchen so we no longer buy  vegetables. The excess we sell to several hotels and the Saint Lucia Marketing Board so vegetable production has really proven to be a success but due to hurricane Tomas three green houses were damaged and we lost numerous seedlings. We also lost about twenty-two hundred birds in our pen as well, but we expect greater production levels now that we are recovering.”


The director says he is very excited about the increased prospects for the Bordelais Farm which also serves as a means of rehabilitation for the inmates.


The Bordelais farm has received increased security with the installation of adequate fencing and CCTV cameras.

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