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OECS seeks policy flexibility and support to safeguard domestic producers and explore market opportunities in developed countries

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Wednesday 27 April 2011  Market access for agricultural and industrial goods, trade facilitation, fisheries subsidies, intellectual property rights, and services are part of the agenda for Senior OECS Officials, who are to meet in Roseau Dominica from April 28-29th 2011.


The meeting for Trade Officials from the OECS-World Trade Organisation, (WTO) Member States, is to assess developments in the current round of negotiations in the World Trade Organisation (WTO). 


The two-day meeting, which will cover all the key issues relevant to the region,  will also hear matters related to development assistance  to gain increased benefits from trade, in preparation for the Third Global Review of Aid for Trade to be held in Geneva, Switzerland in July.


Head of the OECS Geneva Mission in Switzerland, Richardo James, says it is essential that the OECS WTO Member States, have handle on what obtains in critical areas of the negotiations, such as, trade facilitation and market access for agricultural and industrial goods.


The trade officials, will be updated on the state of play of the negotiations, and  will guide OECS negotiators based at its Technical Mission in Geneva, in respect of key areas where  WTO members have not reached agreement in order to ensure that the region is prepared to defend its interests.


Increased market access for agricultural and industrial goods, and service providers, continue to be  of primary importance to the OECS.


The OECS is seeking policy flexibility to safeguard its domestic producers and support to explore market opportunities in developed countries.


With the WTO’s Geneva week for capital-based officials taking place soon after this consultation, OECS trade officials will be well briefed for their engagement with other delegates during that time.


The meeting is funded by the Caribbean Integration Support Project, an initiative under the 9th EDF, which also provides funding for the operation of the OECS Technical Mission in Geneva and the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Hub & Spokes Programme.

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