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Businesses encouraged to utilize ideas at annual science fair for national devlopment

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Contact: Kerwin Xavier


Wednesday 13 April 2011  Over forty science projects from primary, secondary, and tertiary schools throughout the country, formed part of this year's finals of the Annual Science and Technology Fair.  Curriculum Specialist for Science and Technology, Motielall Singh, said science must be viewed as an integral aspect of learning for Saint Lucian students.


“The objective of the fair is to create new interest in science and technology.  We want to create inquisitive and questionable minds, so that students can be creative, analytical, and innovative—come up with new ideas. Being science minded not only helps science and technology, but other areas like Mathematics, English Language, and Social Studies.”


Singh said, science and technology is now  the core of many modern day careers. He hopes the fair will encourage more fifth form students to write more science subjects at the CXC level.  Looking to the future Singh is encouraging the private sector to play their part in ensuring the talent of our young people are successfully harnessed.


“Compared to projects from previous years,  some of this year's projects are very high.  I am encouraging the business people to come and look at the unique inventions from our young scientists  and utilize their concepts from a business standpoint and for national development.” 


For their efforts, and as a motivator, students will receive trophies, computers and other tokens,  depending on the rank in which their projects are placed.


This year's fair was jointly sponsored by the Saint Lucia Electricity Services and Monroe College.

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