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Work to commence soon on Daher Mall as government seeks to cut rental costs

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Contact: Shannon Lebourne


Tuesday 19 October 2010  Tuesday 19 October 2010  The Government of Saint Lucia has announced that work on the much talked about Daher Mall (Hypermart) property at Bois d`Orange will formally commence in the coming days.


The initial phase of the project involves preparatory works to the interior and exterior of the building, to include the creation of new drainage and the removal of vegetation and debris from the property.


Government Press Secretary Darnley Lebourne, says the preparatory works form part of the enabling process to support the general construction of the existing Hypermart building.


“During the execution of these preparatory works, it is expected that the procurement of process for the contractor to undertake the major construction and renovation works will be finalised. The preparatory works in question are scheduled to be completed within a period of eight to ten weeks. The main contract for the commencement of construction and renovation works in scheduled to begin early next year, with works scheduled to be completed within a period of eighteen months.”


The press secretary says  the Hypermart property which was acquired in 2008 will make provision for the offices of eighteen government institutions, once fully renovated.


He says, in addition, the new facility will also be a revenue earner for government.


“The whole question of the renovation of the Daher Mall into what will be the new government administrative complex at Bois d`Orange,  fits into a vision for the rationalisation of government offices. Government offices costs a hefty sum in terms of rental on a monthly basis. What is interesting in this case is that part of the building will also be dedicated towards rental to private sector agencies and other interested parties to allow the building to generate revenue for government.”


The conversion of the Daher Mall (Hypermart) property into government offices, is being managed by Amazona Properties Limited—a wholly owned Government of Saint Lucia company.



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