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Prime Minister King calls for Taiwan to be embraced in world affairs as he addreses the UN General Assembly

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Contact: Shannon Lebourne



Wednesday 6 October 2010  Saint Lucia`s Prime Minister Honourable Stephenson King reminded  the 65th session of the United Nations General Assembly, in particular,  the industrialised countries of  the need to respect the sovereign rights of small and lesser developed countries.


Speaking during the debate, Prime Minister King encouraged the international community to support the aspirations of the Republic of China on Taiwan for international accreditation in keeping with the charter and principles of the United Nations. 


Prime Minister King also expressed disappointment with the long-standing Unites States of America embargo against Cuba.


“The contributions of Taiwan to countries that have sought their assistance in these areas match that of any other, and have helped without asking for much in return.  No country should be prevented from making its contribution to humanity for Taiwan shares the world with us, and their contribution to health and environmental issues know no boundaries. Increased concern for air safety also remains a global priority. We therefore hope that ongoing cross-strait talks will lead to a peaceful solution.”

“Mr President, there are some anachronisms that still persist in this world and one of them is the embargo against Cuba. We have moved from a world where political uncertainty has been replaced by economic uncertainty. Yet, a mechanism that was put in place to deal with a political issue remains today and is being used for an economic strangulation, even as we appeal to everyone else for cooperation and understanding in other areas.  We must respect the rights of the people to shape and chart their destiny, as well as respecting the freely expressed wishes of the people of our region. Our region is diverse, but our aspirations are common. Only mutual respect will foster that relationship that is so necessary and vital to the development of our region.”


Saint Lucia`s Prime Minister also called on the international community to make good on its promises of assistance to earthquake stricken Haiti and flood ravaged Pakistan.


“We began this year with news that a cataclysmic earthquake hit Haiti. The UN came together in solidarity with our sister island and pledged $1.5 billion in assistance. To date, Haiti’s officials report that only 10% of the pledges have been funded. The same seems to be true for most appeals for humanitarian causes. We trust that Pakistan’s pledging conference—the most recent country to be hit by a catastrophe—will be more successful.  Addressing the humanitarian consequences of today’s disasters and emergencies remain a United Nations priority, and we thank those who have kept their pledges, while we encourage those who have shown good intentions but have not yet matched words with action to do so with some urgency.”    


Accordingly he urged the UN General Assembly and other international organisations like the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and their affiliates, to cease the double standards, by

adopting principles that would ensure the fair treatment of all  states, big or small.



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