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Attorney general promises significant reductions in time for issuing birth certificates

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Contact: Claudia Monlouis


Friday, May 7, 2010 –  Attorney General  and Minister for Justice Senator the Honourable Nicholas Frederick,  says the  Registry of Civil Status is at present engaged in a process, which, upon completion,  will significantly reduce the  length and time for issuing  birth certificates.


He says the goal of the department is to minimize the inconveniences which have come to be associated with the service.


“About 3 years ago, the number of applications for birth certificates was in the vicinity of about 20 to 30 a day; that number was basically issued.  But in 2007, the immigration department suddenly said that it will not longer use baptismal certificates and that led to an avalanche of applications for certificates.”


Dr. Frederick says the Registry of Civil Status as well as the public has experienced some challenges as the department tried to make the necessary adjustments to cater for the increased traffic.


“Right now as a result of the adjustments we've made, the numbers of birth certificates being processed has increased significantly to 200-300 a day because we had to get additional staff.”


Dr. Frederick expressed the sentiment that by August birth certificates will be able to process almost instantly by virtue of some technical assistance that is being solicited.

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