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Saint Lucia formalizes Vienna Convention requirements

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Contact: Amanda-Faye Clarke


Monday, February 15, 2010  The government of Saint  Lucia has signed a Headquarters, and a Judicial and Legal Services Commission Agreement” with the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court and the Judicial Legal Services Commission. The two documents formalize all arrangements which have been guiding procedures of the Court for the past 26 years.


Chief Justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Hugh Rawlins, says the signing of the agreements is timely, as the Caribbean region continues to solidify its influence in the international arena.


He says the two agreements will allow for the seamless operations throughout St. Lucia and the OECS.


“The signing of these agreements basically formalizes the arrangements that have been working loosely and at most times without certainty in Saint Lucia. It is a requirement under international law, that if an organization is regional or international and it is headquartered in a territory, there should be a Headquarter Agreement which formalizes the relationship with the government,” Chief Justice Rawlins said.


Prime Minister Hon. Stephenson King, in addressing the gathering, explained that the signing of the Headquarters and Judicial and Legal Services Agreements, fulfils the necessary requirements as stipulated under the Vienna Convention for operations of institutions such as the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court.


“I want to take this opportunity to extend congratulations to you Justice Rawlins and staff and those of you who will benefit from the signing of this agreement. I would also like to express my very best wishes and congratulations, and look forward to having the Court here in Saint Lucia, long into the future.”


Yesterday's signing ceremony was attended by government and ECSC Officials.


The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court caters to the judicial needs of Saint Lucia and the wider OECS member states.

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