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Prime Minister Stephenson King to Address Nation on the State of the Economy and other Matters of National Development Interest

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Contact: Darnley Lebourne


Monday, February 1, 2010 – Prime Minister Stephenson King is scheduled to deliver an address to the Nation on Monday, February, 1st, 2010. The address will essentially provide an overview of the State of the Economy based on overall performance during 2009. During the address, the Prime Minister will also attend to issues related to: crime, the St. Jude Reconstruction Project and Haiti.


The Prime Minister’s fifteen minute address will highlight the fact that Saint Lucia has been able to weather the global economic storm without any major disruptions, instability or large scale loss of jobs. The address will speak to the fact that there has been stability in the local economy despite the ongoing global financial crisis and will inform Saint Lucians of measures which Government intends to employ to maintain stability and engineer growth in the local economy.


The Prime Minister’s address will provide a basis for Saint Lucians to maintain confidence in the continued stability and resilience of the local economy. The address will also give assurances that Government will continue to vigorously pursue its mandate to deliver on policies, projects and initiatives that will impact positively on the socio-economic landscape whilst providing opportunities and enhancing the living standards and livelihoods of all nationals.


Prime Minister King’s national address will be aired at 8:00 pm tonight on local radio and television stations.

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