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Contact: Claudia Monlouis


Tuesday,  October 23, 2007 –  Young people were the highlight of the official launch of the  programme – Youth Social Development Initiative (YSDI) of the Ministry of Social Transformation, Public Service, Human Resource Development, Youth and Sports. The initiative was formally launched on Sunday, October 21st at the Dennery Primary School.


The YSDI programme is  considered to be the flagship intervention among  a series of  other developmental activities that  has been planned to engage young people throughout the island.


Minister for Social Transformation Honourable Lenard 'Spider'  Montoute challenged young people  to be agents of change within  their communities. One of the problem areas the minister pointed to was crime.


“I am fully aware that as an individual you may not be able to change the nation but  what we desire is that you make a small transformational contribution, in your home,  your community and most importantly by improving yourself. It is these collective acts of individual goodwill which will ultimately save our nation.”


The minister also called on adults to throw in their support for the programme, which  has already received the commendation and commitment of the National Youth Council - NYC.


 “ The only thing  that will ever make a difference in the life of a young person is one adult or more. Adults who take responsibility for the mentoring and social development of the  youth. Without someone stepping up to the plate, and becoming accountable; nothing will change. This is the challenge for parents, guardians,  mentors, other significant others in the life of our young people.”



A monitoring and ministering programme will also unfold  as part of the YSDI programme that will be a national model in schools and the community. The programme  commenced in 2007 with a capacity training workshop for  youth in the  western zone of the island. Some 45 participants   were presented with “Certificates of Completion” at  Sunday's  launching ceremony.

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