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No Date Set Yet For Castries Central By-election

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Contact: Prime Minister's Press Secretary

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 - Prime Minister Dr. Kenny D. Anthony has denied ever setting a date for the by-election in Castries Central.

The Prime Minister has been quoted on HTS, Radio 100 and HotFM as saying that April 4, 2006, is the date for the by-election for Castries Central.

However, Prime Minister Anthony has stoutly denied ever making such a statement.

The Prime Minister was interviewed by two television stations last week about the resignation of the former MP for Castries Central. In those interviews, he acknowledged that the Constitution of Saint Lucia requires that a by election be held within 90 days of the date of the resignation by the former MP.

However, while confirming that a by-election will have to be held in Castries Central consequent on the resignation of Mrs. Sarah Flood-Beaubrun, at no time did the Prime Minister ever set a date or even mention the date April 4, 2006.

Dr Anthony, who is the minister responsible for elections, pointed out that there were issues that had to be settled before a date could be set, including clarification as to which Voters List will be used for the by-election.

He says he has absolutely no idea where the date of April 4, 2006 came about and is at a complete loss to understand why he would be quoted as saying what he never said.

The Prime Minister says he understands the anxiety of the media to get a date for the by-election, but he urges that media personnel should temper their anxiety and not dream of or set dates that have no basis in reality.

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