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PM calls for renewed interest in Remembrance Day

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Contact: Claudia Monlouis

Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - The public is being called upon to renew interest in the contribution that local British ex-service men and women made in World War One and Two, and particularly, to show a sense of humanity towards them.

Prime Minister, Dr. Kenny D. Anthony made the call during his weekly radio address - Conversations with the Nation. He lamented that the historical significance of Remembrance Day appeared to be unknown to younger generations of Saint Lucians, although the annual observance this year marked its 60th Anniversary.

“Some must wonder why, every year around this time, war veterans display their medals and participate in the commemorative parades, or why this particular month of November every year is called Remembrance Day, or why the red poppy goes on sale at this time every year, or why the veterans gather on the white structure on the Square called the Cenotaph, on which several names are described,” said Dr. Anthony.

Dr. Anthony expressed concern that this lack of knowledge may be at the root of dwindling public interest in the welfare of ex-servicemen and women, as well as the steady reduction in Poppy sales noted over the years.

The trend of lower poppy sales has hit the veterans very hard, particularly since the proceeds were used to provide many of them with small incomes, Dr. Anthony said: “So buying a poppy is not just an act of remembrance. The proceeds go to the Ex-Services League to assist its members. By wearing a poppy during this period, we are demonstrating our appreciation for those who died and for those who survived. By contributing to the Ex-Services League, we are helping desperate old soldiers like the one who Mrs.Pilgrim graphically described as living in a basket.”

The Prime Minister made a plea for all St. Lucians to turn out at the Remembrance Day parades this coming Sunday and talk to the old soldiers, join them, and pay tribute to those who did not survive.

The Remembrance Day ceremony will take place on Sunday November 14th, 2004.


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