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Contact: Claudia Monlouis

Thursday, February 20, 2003 - The Secondary Schools Food Preparation Competition should serve as a shining example of the great things that can emerge from the partnering of the public and private sectors. So says Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ben Emmanuel as he addressed the Secondary Schools Food Preparation Competition, prize giving ceremony on Tuesday.

The Saint Lucia Coconut Growers Association collaborated with the Ministries of Education and Commerce and Industry to sponsor the Secondary Schools Food Preparation Competition which began in January. Students were required to prepare dishes using products manufactured by the association along with other locally produced ingredients.

Emmanuel describing the private sector as the “engine of growth,” encouraged the sector to continue along the example set by the Saint Lucia Coconut Growers Association, by collaborating with public sector agencies to spur the implementation of creative projects.

“Not only is collaboration and partnership between government agencies in the public sector important, but I think that such partnership between the public and private sector is even more critical as we seek to advance economic and social interests in Saint Lucia,” observed Emmanuel.

According to the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Dr. Didacus Jules, the next challenge should be the publication of local recipes which were prepared for the competition by the various students.

Donnatus Emmanuel, a student of the Vide Boutielle Secondary School emerged as the grand prize winner, while students of the Castries Comprehensive, George Charles Secondary and Vieux Fort Comprehensive, Campus B received prizes for their excellent contributions to the competition.

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