Over $120 Million for New Road Development Project |
Rose Marie Harris
The RDP was
conceptualised some two years ago by the Ministries of Planning and
Communications and Works, in collaboration with the Caribbean Development Bank
and will cost close to 120 million dollars.
Sixty two percent of that amount is being financed by the government
through an approved loan from the Caribbean Development Bank with the remainder
coming from local funds.
Some of the primary
roads that will be rehabilitated and improved under this programme include the
East Coast Road extending from the Cul De Sac valley in the north to Vieux Fort
in the south, the south and south west coast roads from Vieux Fort in the south
to Soufriere in the west, the La Toc Road and the Morne Road in Castries.
Several secondary roads will also get attention. These include roads in Grande Riviere, Monier and La Croix in the north; Deglos, Trois Piton, Grande Ravine, and La Resource in Dennery; Augier, Derrisseaux, Piaye and Saltibus in the south.
The initial phase
of the Roads Development Programme will commence in August 2001 and will address
the roads from Vieux Fort to Soufriere.
On May 17, 2001, Ministry officials held a community consultation with
residents of Soufriere and Choiseul on issues regarding the implementation of
the initial phase of the road network improvement plan.
The Ministry of Communications and Works is also currently involved in an Origin/Destination survey to calculate traffic flows that would make use of a planned by-pass road, east of the city Castries. |
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