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Deadline for Registration of Companies Under New Act

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Contact: Rose Marie Harris

March 8, 1999 - Companies operating in Saint Lucia are being urged to ensure that their businesses are documented under the New Companies Act. The island’s Attorney General, Petros Compton says that the deadline for that process is June 31, 1999. Failure to do so will result in the respective company or companies being stuck off the Companies Register which means they not be able to operate in Saint Lucia.

The new Act, which came into effect in 1996, repealed the existing company legislation and all existing companies were required to continue under the new Act. The Attorney General, Petros Compton says his office gave companies operating in Saint Lucia one year to document their company’s continued operation. However, he says that after the period passed, a number of companies’s still were not included in the Act.

The Office of Legal Affairs has now given the companies another six months to file their instruments of continuance.


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