OECS Opposition Prepares for OECS Assembly
Contact: Claudia Monlouis
Friday, May 04, 2012 – The OECS sub- region is still engaged in building and fashioning the appropriate architecture for the implementation of the OECS Economic Union. Prime Minister Honourable Dr. Kenny Anthony made this statement while addressing the Leaders of Parliamentary Opposition meeting on Friday, May 04th, 2012.
“Colleagues, this meeting has been convened in order to brief representatives of the Parliamentary Opposition within OECS Member States about developments in respect of the OECS Economic Union, and in general, to keep alive and to further the process of consultation and engagement which has attended the Economic Union enterprise to date. The objective is to augment the stock of knowledge which you already possess, thereby placing you in a position to contribute even more meaningfully to the development of the Economic Union, either through discussion and debate, or through more direct action. It will also address in particular, issues relating to the inauguration of the OECS Assembly, one of the principal Organs through which the functions and business of the OECS will be realized”.
Further, Dr. Anthony explained the meeting serves to confirm that there is in fact a new thinking underlying the governance of the OECS region, and this is why it bears such significance. The meeting is an absolute necessity in the process of advancing the implementation of the OECS Economic Union – in building the consensus required to ensure “buy-in”, sustainability and eventual success.
According to Dr, Anthony “It will also send the requisite signals to the people of our respective countries, the wider region and indeed the world, that the leadership of the countries which constitute the OECS, possess the maturity required by the times; are serious about advancing the interests of the people whom they represent; and are prepared to invoke the requisite political will to do that which is necessary to secure the advancement of those interests.” |
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