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Do and Don't on Polling Day

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On election day, there are are number of things that the public should be aware of:



  1. Do ensure that you are registered before you vote by checking the voters list in the polling division for your name.
  2. Do ensure that you carry some form of Identification with you when you go out to vote.



  1. Do not sell any intoxicating liquor during polling hours.
  2. Employers: Do not prevent employees from going out to vote.
  3. Election Officers: Do not seek to persuade any person to vote or attempt to find out where someone is voting.
  4. Do not use any means of political propaganda such as loudspeakers, buntings, ensigns, symbols, banners, standards, set of colours, or flags on polling day.
  5. Do not congregate or assemble within 100 yards of any polling station.
  6. Do not seek to proposition or influence any elector within 100 yards of the polling station.
  7. Do not seek to bribe anyone with the objective of getting them to vote a certain way.
  8. Do not forge or intentionally destroy any ballot paper and do not place any other paper other than the ballot paper into any ballot box.
  9. Do not interfere in any way with the ballot box.
  10. Do not induce any voter to display his ballot paper after he/she has marked it.


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