| |
DATE OF BIRTH: 8th January
Lucia, West Indies
(3) |
1957 - 1959 River Doree Anglican
Combined School, Saint Lucia
1959 - 1963 Kingstown Preparatory
School, Kingstown, Saint Vincent
1963 - 1964 Laborie Boys
School, Saint Lucia
1964 – 1968 Vieux Fort Senior
Secondary School, Saint Lucia
1969 - 1971 Saint Lucia Teachers
College, Saint Lucia
1973 - 1976 University of the West
1981 - 1983 University of the West
1983 - 1985 University of the West
1985 – 1988 University of
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Qualified Teacher, Saint Lucia Teachers
College, (UWI endorsed certificate. Graduated with seven (7) distinctions). |
Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple,
England (called to the Bars of Saint Lucia and Barbados). |
B.Sc. Government and History (1st Class Hons.)
— University of the West Indies (1976). |
LL.B. (1st Class Hons.) — University of the
West Indies (1983). |
LL.M., University of the West Indies (1986) |
Ph.D., University of Birmingham, England
(1988). |
Sept. 1968 - July 1969 Teacher,
Castries Anglican Primary School, Saint Lucia
Sept. 1971 - July 1973 Teacher,
Vieux Fort Senior Secondary School, Saint Lucia
Sept. 1976 - July 1978 Teacher,
Vieux Fort Senior Secondary School, Saint Lucia
Oct. 1978 - May 1979 Part-time
Tutor, Introduction to Politics and Public Administration, Faculty of Social
Sciences, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad
Aug. 1979 - Dec. 1980 Special
Advisor, Ministry of Education and Culture Saint Lucia
Dec. 1980 - March 1981 Minister of
Education, Saint Lucia
Oct. 1981 - May 1983 Part-time
Tutor, Introduction to Politics, University of The West Indies, Cave Hill,
Sept. 1984 - Sept. 1988 Assistant
Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados
Aug. 1989 - Sept. 1993 Lecturer and
Head of Teaching Department of Law, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill,
Oct. 1993 - Sept 1994 Director,
Caribbean Justice Improvement Project, Faculty of Law, University of the West
Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados
March 1995 April 1996 General
Counsel, Caribbean Community Secretariat, Georgetown, Guyana (on secondment from
Published Articles
- Dismissal at Pleasure: The History and
Consequences of Its Abolition (1985), 6:1 West Indian Law Journal. 56.
- Legal Restraints on the Civic Rights of
Caribbean Public Officers, (1983), 6:1 Bulletin of Eastern Caribbean Affairs
- The Viability of the Civilist Tradition in
Saint Lucia: A Tentative Appraisal, in R.A. Landry and E. Caparros (Editors)
Essays on the Civil Codes of Quebec and Saint Lucia. University of Ottawa
Press, 1984. 33.
- Restrictions on the Trade Union Rights of
Caribbean Public Officers, (1984), 8:2 West Indian Law Journal. 137; (1986),
10:2 West Indian Law Journal, 1.
- Historical Aspects of the Evolution of
Caribbean Legal Systems, in Comparative Legal Studies: Law and Legal Systems
of the Commonwealth States and the Organization of American States.
Organization of American States, Secretariat for Legal Affairs, Washington,
1986, at p.29.
- Approaches to the Common Law Trust in
Codified Mixed Jurisdictions, in G. Hand and J. McBride (Editors) Droit Sans
Frontieres: Essays in Honour of C. Neville Brown, Holdsworth Club,
Birmingham, United Kingdom, 1991.
- The Identification and Classification of
Mixed Systems of Law, in G. Kodilinye and P.K. Menon (Editors), Commonwealth
Caribbean Legal Studies, Published by Butterworths for the University of the
West Indies,1992, atp. 179.
- Evolving Judicial Intervention in the
Administration of Commonwealth Caribbean Education, (1991-92) The Caribbean
Education Annual. 27.
- Which Estoppel in the Law of Saint Lucia?,
(1992), 2:2 Caribbean Law Review, 154.
- The Legal Framework of Education In the
Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, (66 pp), Organization of American
States, Washington D.C., USA. 1994.
- The Reception of the Common Law System by the
Civil Law Systems In the Commonwealth Caribbean, in Reception of Legal
Systems: Implantation and Destiny. University of Moncton and Free University
of Brussels, 1993.
- Confidentiality and Freedom of Speech by
Public Officers, in M.A. Danes (Editor), Business, Government and Society:
Caribbean Writings on Caribbean Issues, 1994.
- The Courts and the Interpretation of a Civil
Code In a Mixed Legal System: Saint Lucia Revisited, (1995), 5:1 The
Caribbean Law Review 144.
- CXC Principles of Business, (co-author with
W. Armand Layne and Wendell A. Samuel), Cambridge University Press, England,
- Aspects of the Law of the Barbados Public
Service. LL.M. Thesis, Faculty of Law, University of the West Indies, Cave
Hill Campus, 1983, 450 pp.
- The Mixed Legal System of Saint Lucia: Its
Establishment and Decline. Ph.D. Thesis, 1988, University of Birmingham,
United Kingdom, 878 pp.
- Aspects of the Constitutional Position of
Caribbean Public Officers. Paper presented to CARICOM/ILO Conference on Public
Service Management, Kinston, Jamaica, 25th February - 8th March, 1985.
- Issues in Caribbean Cooperative Legislation.
This was co-authored with Dr. N.J.O. Liverpool and presented to a Caribbean
Confederation of Credit Union Seminar in Antigua, August, 1984.
- Legal Issues Arising Out of Political Events in
Saint Lucia. This paper was also co-authored with Dr. N.J.O. Liverpool and
presented to a Conference on the aftermath of the Grenada Revolution,
sponsored by Institute International Relations, St. Augustine, Trinidad and
Tobago, May 1984.
- Statutory Organization of Education in the OECS,
prepared for the OECS Secretariat and presented at a Conference in Antigua,
June 1991.
- Relationship between Stafco-op and Public
Policy Agencies in Saint Lucia, prepared
for the Saint Lucia-based Stafco-op, an organization of Producer Cooperatives,
March 1985.
- The Folk Research Centre (FRC) of Saint
co-authored with Petrus
Compton for the Canadian University Services Overseas (CUSO), October 1984.
- Stafco-op of Saint Lucia,
prepared for the Canadian Cooperative Association (CCA), and co-authored with
A.S. Mair (Team Leader) and J. MacDonald, for Cooperative Association, March
- Options of Legal Incorporation for ISCFO,
prepared for Inter-Island Steering Committee of Farmer Organizations, 23rd
August 1989, 31 pp.
- The Legal Status of the Productive Farmers
prepared for Inter-Island
Steering Committee of Farmers Organizations, April 1989, 50 pp.
- The Proceeds of Crime Bill,
commissioned by the Barbados Bar Association, 18th December 1989, 118 pp.
- Statutory Organization of Education in the
for OECS Secretariat, 1992.
- The Statutory Organization of Education in
Guyana, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, and Jamaica,
CARICOM Secretariat.
- With Albert K. Fiadjoe, Regulatory Reform of
the Public Service of St. Kitts and Nevis,
(UNDP-funded for the Government of St. Kills and Nevis) 1994, 112 pp.
- Constitutional and Administrative Issues, in
Report of a Working Group on Public Sector Reform and Administrative
Restructuring in the Caribbean Community,
Caribbean Centre for Development Administration, Bridgetown, Barbados, 1995.
- UNDP/Government of Anguilla Consultant to
draft an Education Ordinance for Anguilla.
- Advisor, Regional Constituent Assembly of the
Windward Islands (January 1990 to January 1991).
- OECS Consultant to draft Model Education Bill
for OECS States, 1994.
- UNDP Consultant to draft Legislation for the
Public Service of Saint Lucia.
- UNDP Consultant to draft, jointly with Dr.
Albert K. Fiadjoe, a Public Service Employment Bill for the Government of
St. Kitts and Nevis.
- Served As:
- Head, Teaching Department of Law, 1st
August 1989 to 31st July 1991.
- Re-appointed Head, Teaching Department of
Law, 1st August 1991 to 30th September 1993.
- Formerly Served as Academic Board
Representative on:
- Board of Examinations
- Board for Post-graduate Degrees
- Board for Higher Degrees
- Former Member:
- Students Regulations Committee,
Cave Hill Campus
- Pay and Promotions Committee, Cave Hill
- Speaker’s Cup Committee, Cave Hill Campus
- Former Member:
- Editorial Committee, Bulletin of Eastern
Caribbean Affairs, ISER, Barbados
- Editorial Committee, Occasional Papers,
ISER, Barbados
- Editorial Committee (Chairman), Caribbean
law Review
- Member, Editorial Committee, Folk Research
Centre Bulletin, Saint Lucia
- Member, Editorial Committee, Caribbean
Education Annual (Published by CARNEID)
- Former Member, Law Reform Committee of
6th March 1998