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Government of Saint Lucia

 Address by Hon Keith Mondesir on the occasion of International Day against Child Abuse and Universal Children’s Day

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Address by Honourable Keith Mondesir

On The Occasion of

International Day Against Child Abuse – November 19th 2007


Universal Children’s Day – November 20th 2007



The Division of Human Services and Family Affairs within the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Human Services, National Mobilization, Family Affairs and Gender Relations joins with the international community in observing two significant days which are November 19th the International Day against Child Abuse and November 20th Universal Children’s Day. These are days set aside to remind people around the world about the ills of Child Abuse and Neglect and the devastating impact that it can have on children. In addition, the observance of these days, present us with the opportunity to continue highlighting the rights of children in a society where their voices are often silent and they are not considered as individuals with human rights.


The Division of Human Services and Family Affairs which is the Government agency with responsibility for the protection of children continues to grapple with increased reports of child abuse, neglect and abandonment. For the first half of this year 2007, a total of one hundred and forty one (141) cases of child abuse have been reported to the Division. Ever so often, we hear reports of child sexual abuse by the Media, however these in no way reflect the magnitude of the problem as seen by the Division of Human Services and Family Affairs. The consequences of Child Abuse, Neglect and Abandonment are grave and negatively impact on the emotional and mental wellbeing of children. Juvenile delinquency, Conduct Disorders, sexual promiscuity and prostitution are just a few of the manifestations of Child Abuse and Neglect. Research has shown that children who are victims of abuse have the propensity to become dysfunctional adults who also perpetuate the cycle of abuse to their own children.


Saint Lucia ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child in July 1993 and by so doing the Government gave a commitment to ‘take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury and abuse, neglect or negligent treatment while in the care of parents, legal guardians and any other person who has care of the child’ as encapsulated in Article 19 of the Convention. In addition, the Government is responsible for the establishment of social programmes to provide necessary support for the child, as well as other forms of prevention, and for identification, reporting, referral, investigation, treatment of instances of child maltreatment.


In this regard, the Division of Human Services and Family Affairs has developed a Protocol for the Prevention, Reporting, Investigation and Management of Child Abuse and Neglect in Saint Lucia and this is expected to be adopted as the National Policy for the management of all cases of child abuse. This Protocol has established strict guidelines for all practitioners, professionals and para-professionals who work in the area of child care and protection. In addition, the Protocol makes provision for accountability from all persons charged with the care and protection of children and criminal liability where such persons fail in their responsibility to safeguard children.   The protocol is supported by the Draft Royal Saint Lucia Police Force Child Protection Manual.


It is also with this in mind, that the Division of Human Services and Family Affairs has established the Foster Care and Adoption Programme as a safety net for children in difficult circumstances. With the increased incidences of child abuse and neglect, it is imperative that children have access to places of safety when they have been abused, or at risk of being abused. The Foster Care and Adoption Programme is also in-keeping with Article 20 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child which calls for Governments to have in place policies and programmes to meet the needs of children who are temporarily or permanently deprived of his or her family environment, or in whose own best interests cannot be allowed to remain in that environment. And so, during this month of November, the Division of Human Services and Family Affairs has stepped up its efforts to attract and recruit persons to become Foster Carers and Adoptive Parents to children facing different crises.


Further to this, I am also pleased to announce that the Government has purchased property at Cas En Bas, Massade Qtr. of Gros Islet for the purpose of establishing a Transit Home for children at risk.  The Transit Home will provide a protective and safe home environment to approximately twenty-one (21) children who are victims of child abuse, neglect and abandonment. The Ministry of Health has awarded a Contract for the refurbishment of the property and the signing of this Contract will take place sometime in the future with a view to the Transit Home being opened by April 2008. This will greatly alleviate the burden caused to the Family Case Workers at the Division of Human Services and Family Affairs who are faced with the challenge of finding places of safety for children in difficult circumstances. The Foster Care and Adoption Programme and the Transit Home are therefore two important child protection mechanisms, which will be supported in the near future with the implementation of a National Parenting Programme to improve the parenting capacity of parents and guardians and to ensure that parents uphold their duty and responsibility to provide adequate care, control and supervision to their children.


Child Protection cannot be left only to the Division of Human Services and Family Affairs. The Police and Judicial system must improve in their response and management of cases of Child Abuse and Neglect. There must be stiffer penalties for perpetrators of child abuse with a strong message to all that Child Abuse in any form cannot be condoned and is a criminal offence. 







In this month of November, when the international community turns its attention to matters of child protection and the rights of children, I appeal to all Saint Lucians to join with the Division of Human Services and Family Affairs – Wear a Blue Ribbon as a symbol of protecting children.  Help keep our children safe and give them a chance to enjoy this very precious period in their lives because indeed, CHILD PROTECTION IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY.  OPEN YOUR HEARTS AND HOMES TO A CHILD IN NEED.


Thank you and Good Night.


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