By: Janelle Charles
The tab will be split several ways; between the private sector, statutory bodies the Government of St. Lucia and other regional governments. But at the end of the day the St. Lucia Government will bear the brunt of the costs. Bernard La Corbiniere is responsible for the conference budget he says; "the private sector, statutory bodies and other governments will contribute approximately $570,000 of that 2 million."
Several Government Ministries including the Ministry of Works have also brought forward repair works to coincide with the CARICOM Summit. Some Regional Government will make contributions to the staging of the Summits closing ceremony. Mc Stephen Aubertine CARICOM preparatory committee- "The committee was able to have the countries (the government) from which the entertainers come bear the cost of the performance fees. Some countries agreed, others are not too clear on it."
Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony says that he believes that those costs will be fully justified and the benefits that St. Lucia will get by way of infusion of foreign exchange would ultimately outweigh the costs of putting it all together. |
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