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Contact: St. Lucia Bureau of Standards


Tuesday, February 19, 2008 – With the recent price hike in cooking gas (liquefied petroleum gas-LPG), there have been increased complaints about the under-filling of 20 lb. and 100 lb. cylinders from consumers who are now more concerned than ever about receiving value for their money. The Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS) and the Department of Consumer Affairs report that they have been receiving numerous complaints from the public about possible inaccuracies regarding the amount of cooking gas in the cylinders. The SLBS hosted a recent meeting with the Consumer Affairs Department and LPG suppliers to determine ways of addressing this concern raised by the public.


Consumers should soon feel reassured that they are getting what they pay for as specific measures will be instituted to reduce the likelihood of under-filling. At that meeting, the LPG suppliers agreed to ensure that their filling depots (the site at which the cylinders are actually filled) are monitored more carefully to ensure the accuracy of the quantity of gas being supplied. Additionally, the SLBS’s Metrology Department will carry out more frequent spot checks and on site inspections of the filling depots to ensure the accuracy of the equipment used to fill the cylinders. The department will also be ensuring that the proper control measures are being adhered to as required.


These measures are to be implemented immediately and consumers should begin to see the benefits in the coming months. All the parties agreed that fairness to consumers was paramount, especially when dealing with a basic commodity such as cooking gas which is integral to daily life.

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