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Fellow St. Lucians,
Last Thursday evening, when I addressed you on Sir John Compton’s medical
condition, I promised that I would further update you as new and credible
information became available. I am pleased to indicate that I am now in a
position to provide you with definitive information on the medical condition of
our beloved Prime Minister, Sir John Compton.
The results of medical tests, which were then pending, and received last Friday,
indicate that Sir John suffered a series of mini strokes in St. Lucia, prior to
his arrival in New York on May 1st. The results also `revealed that he suffered
another stroke while under the care of his doctors, who were at the time
conducting medical tests. These tests were being done at the same hospital that
he has used for such purposes, for the last ten years.
However, Sir John’s condition is stable and he is able to speak, although he
suffered some physical impairment that will require him to undergo
rehabilitative physiotherapy. He is in good spirits and is repeatedly expressing
his desire to return home. He has asked that all St. Lucians rally together for
the sake of the nation during this challenging time.
Lady Compton is presently in consultation with Sir John’s team of doctors, in an
endeavor to determine the earliest possible time that he may be released from
I have been in contact with Lady Compton; my only official contact, on a daily
basis throughout this difficult period and together with other members of the
Cabinet have maintained contact with her several times during each passing day.
Now that Sir John’s precise medical situation has been determined, and with the
agreement of Lady Compton, the Cabinet of Ministers last Friday authorized the
Honourable Lenard Montoute, Minister for Social Transformation and Deputy
Political Leader of the United Workers Party, to travel to New York immediately.
His visit is intended to provide Lady Compton and her family with whatever
support that is required, as they make arrangements for Sir John’s return home.
Minister Montoute is presently in New York and has already communicated to me,
that he visited Sir John and conversed with him at the hospital and is satisfied
that Sir John’s condition is stable.
As is the case with the entire nation, the attention of the Cabinet of Ministers
is focused on Sir John’s return home and on his full recovery. Everything will
be done to ensure this.
I appeal to all Saint Lucians to keep Sir John and his family in your prayers
during this most trying time, and I thank you for your continued support and
Support and understanding are particularly important at a time when the nation
is clamoring for information about Sir John’s condition. I know that you
appreciate that information provided to you must be medically accurate. Indeed,
we must ensure that the right to privacy of Sir John and his family is
At every stage, I have consulted with Lady Compton and have obtained her
approval before any information of a medical nature was released. Her concern
has been to ensure that any information that was released to the nation was
confirmed by Sir John’s doctors, was medically conclusive and was not based on
It is not easy for this Administration to contend with this totally
unanticipated illness of our Leader, but I give you the assurance that the
affairs of the country are running smoothly and that everything is being put in
place to implement the vision for the development of the nation that Sir John
set out during his recent Budget Address.
I thank you again for your understanding and I ask for God’s favour and
blessings for us all and for our beloved St. Lucia.
A pleasant good night to you all.